StoicCAD Config

StoicCAD Configuration Guide


Set up general configurations including database and API credentials.

  • Change DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, and DB_NAME to your database settings.
  • Set CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET to your OAuth application credentials.
  • Update REDIRECTURI to the appropriate OAuth redirect URI.


Configure database connection specifically for database interactions.

  • Edit $host, $username, $password, and $db_name to match your database server details.


Set up database connection for search operations and configure session settings.

  • Ensure database credentials are correct as per your setup.
  • Configure session_set_cookie_params with appropriate lifetime and flags.


Adjust UI elements for different departments using style configurations.

  • Modify the $deptStyles array to set custom backgrounds and logos for each department.
  • Ensure URLs for images are correctly pointed to accessible resources.

Detailed Interactive Setup Guide: XAMPP & StoicCAD